it was all going so well…

Warren Buffett once said “There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult”. I guess you could say we made an easy thing difficult by choosing a bicycle over a car, a day over a week, Paris over Watford.

Sometimes however, difficult things can be made even more difficult. And so to the bad news.

On Sunday morning, following Saturday’s 130-miler, T’s left knee was a little stiff and painful. He thought little of it and jumped back on his bike to cycle home from A & G’s flat. Unfortunately his knee had other ideas and after five minutes it became clear it did not just need loosening up.

Fast forward to Tuesday afternoon, after three days of icing, taking anti-inflammatories, seeing a GP and visiting a physiotherapist. T was given strict instructions to completely rest for two weeks due to suspected tendonitis. Sub-ideal.

It is hoped T will be recovered enough to at least start the big ride on the 19th, but whether the injury will recur or not remains to be seen. So at this stage, and unlike Cameron, in the NHS we trust.

We hope this does not dissatisfy any previous sponsors or put any prospective ones off. The ride will, of course, still be taking place on 19th April 2012 with at least five riders, now just 13 days away.

We have now raised over £1600 for KEP. The team are extremely grateful to everyone who has donated thus far – it  is a great motivation for us all. If you haven’t sponsored us yet, please do! Let’s hope we can share pictures with you all of 6 riders passing under the Arc de Triomphe come Friday 20th April.

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One thought on “it was all going so well…

  1. Helen J says:

    Great video. The one on the white bike has his saddle too high. Drop it down a bit for a more comfortable ride with less back ache. Good luck for the big day!

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